Board of Directors Update

At the 2022 AGM on June 30th the following members were acclaimed to the Woodstock Badminton Club board of directors.

President – Terry Dunnigan

Vice President – Dana Wells

Treasurer – Wendy Clements

Secretary – Don Karges

Membership Director – Deborah Gavin

House Director – Barb Hoskin

Maintenance Director – Neil Krushel

Membership At-large – Janine Morrison

Repurposing the Reservation Tool

The reservation tool is no longer required for tracking or making a reservation for court time for a time slot.

The reservation tool can still be used by members however to identify to other members that they plan to play at the club during a specific time slot. The tool has been renamed a registration tool and can be found under the “Before You Play” menu item on the website.

Many of our morning and afternoon scheduled time slots are currently not being utilized as they were prior to the pandemic.  We encourage members to utilize the reservation tool for these time slots to show their interest in playing so that other members will know that there will be others at the club to play with.

Contact Tracking for Public Health

WBC is required to track who has been utilizing the facility in case there is a need by Public Health to contact trace an individual who has been at the club.  We have been using the reservation tool and a log book at the club for this purpose,

We are changing this process to only use the log book from now on. The log book is on the table across fo the kitchen service window.

All players, spectators and contractors must sign the log book when entering the building.

Thanks for your cooperation.


2021 Volunteer Appreciation Award recipient:   DANA WELLS

President Terry Dunnigan presents award to Dana Wells at the 2021 AGM

Dana has been a member of the Woodstock Badminton Club since 2013 of which the past 7 years he has held the role of Maintenance Director and currently the role of Vice President.

During this time, he has been a dedicated supporter of this club and has worked tirelessly on improving the functionality of our club through the implementation of outdoor lighting, a new water fountain, security cameras and improved efficiency in our heating and lighting costs. More recently he has been the lead on the foundation repairs, the subsequent indoor stairwell drywall and painting upgrades, and the renovations to our men’s locker room. He has also been a lead advocate for promoting Pickleball as a local sport.

Dana has a positive mindset that is always seeking ways to improve and revitalize this club by actively seeking new members, by promoting this club through our annual open houses, and by working directly with other directors in forming and modifying policy and practices to ensure that members are treated fairly and equitably.

Congratulations Dana!