If you would like to see the afternoon badminton time slots revitalized, please join us at the club on Thursday November 4th at 1 PM.
The club has three afternoon badminton scheduled time slots. Since our latest reopening these time periods have not been utilized. We have heard from a few players that they have been waiting for other players to come out for these time periods. Furthermore, we have heard from a few former members that they have not yet renewed their membership, because they are not seeing any activity during the afternoon time slots when they prefer to play.
In response, we are organizing an afternoon time slot “kick-off”. We are encouraging members that prefer to play in the afternoon, to come out to the “kick-off” on Thursday November 4th at 1 PM. We are also inviting former members to come out that day as well and reconnect with us.
From this initial session, we are hoping we can jump start the other afternoon time slots as well.
If you are interested in playing regularly in an afternoon slot and can not make it on November 4th, please use the registration (the old reservation) tool on the website to let other players know your intention to play at future sessions.