Summer Clean-Up

On August 8th, seven members volunteered to do a quick blitz brush clean-up around the outside of the club. The main focus was on the south side of the building where brush and vines were blocking emergency exists. The team also pruned and cleaned up the bushes along the north side of the building as well.


Four trailer loads of rush was removed.

Our thanks to Rod Potgieter, Ross Struthers, Mike Hutt, Carol Bossenberry, Dana Wells, Terry Dunnigan and Don Karges for volunteering for the outside clean-up blitz.

Interim Weekly Group Play Schedule

The government has relaxed the social distancing rules for Oxford County.  This in turn allows the club to relax its rules as well.

The first relaxation of our WBC phase one rules will take place on Sunday June 14th.

The relaxation will now permit:

  • Scheduled group court play
  • All 4 courts can be used.

All other rules and restrictions remain in place including singles play only.

WBC must still manage the number of players that are using the facility at any given time.  Therefore the reservation application on the web site will continue to be used to reserve courts and now to reserve a player’s spot for open group play.

Since we are only allowing up to 8 players in a given time slot, we have scheduled open group court time more often throughout the week than in normal times.  Bolded time slots are the primary play times each week with the others acting as an overflow. The schedule can be found here.

Reserving a spot for open group time is easy. Go to the WBC web site and select Badminton or Pickleball Group Play, select the date and time slot and then click on “Reserve”.  An email will be sent to confirm your selection.

When reserving the available time slots, the web site displays the number or remaining spots available. Therefore if the site is displaying “6” then you know that two people have signed up for this time slot and there is room for 6 more players.

Members may still reserve court via the reservation menu item web site when open group sessions are not scheduled.

Scheduling rules have been updated as follows:

  • When the club reopens, the club will be open for member play 5 days a week Sunday – Thursday).   (This limitation is driven by the availability of staff to do daily sanitization.)
  • Game play is restricted to 2 persons per court (singles play only). No spectators are allowed. 
  • Only members can reserve a court. Appointments are via the Court Reservation tool on the WBC web site. 
  • An email will be sent to the member reserving a position in group play or a court.  The email will include a link that will enable the reservation to be cancelled.  Please cancel if you are unable utilize your reservation.

COVID-19 Update

The Woodstock Badminton Club will remain closed past the previously announced three week closure.  As you are ware the COVID-19 crisis continues.  As a result the club must remain closed until health and government leadership have given us the green light to commence operation again.

We will continue to monitor this situation and communicate to you via email and the web site when we see any changes that will impact the club reopening.

Please feel free to contact any members of the Board if you have any questions.

The Board would like to thank everyone for their understanding and support.  We look forward to successfully managing these unprecedented challenges and rejoining you on the courts as soon as it is deemed safe to do so.

Your WBC Board of Directors

WBC Appreciation Award

The WBC Appreciation award was presented to Russell Yeung on March 10th at the Tuesday evening Badminton event.

Bob Trowhill gave a short speech on Russell’s contribution to the club, which included several years as part of the WBC board and as the “go to
guy” for all sorts of issues.

Terry Dunnigan, WBC president, presented the Appreciation Plaque with Russell’s name on it. The plaque is being relocated to one of the walls in the lounge.

Thank you and congratulations Russell!