Further to the July 9th message regarding the Reopening Plan for the Woodstock Badminton Club on Friday July 16, 2021; please note the following changes:
- Details of the restrictions for Step 3 include the reopening of our facility to members at 50% capacity. We have received clarification that this is based on our Fire Code for total occupancy which is 297 persons for the entire club.
- All 4 Courts are now available for doubles play during Badminton and Pickleball scheduled sessions and for open time spots.
- Capacity in the lounge and court area in total will be restricted to no more than 50 people due to social distancing (16 on the courts and 34 in the lounge)
- Use of the online screening tool is still required to facilitate tracing by Southwestern Health Unit.
- Masks and face coverings are still mandatory in the Club lounge area and downstairs.
- Club is only open for members in good standing or for new/renewal members (paid membership and waiver completion mandatory before stepping onto a court due to insurance regulations).
- All current memberships will be reactivated Friday July 16th, 2021 and new expiry dates will be issued in due course.
Stay safe and be well,